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Small Charities Week – Help Inter Care win a prize!

Small Charity Week 2016 LOGOJoin Inter Care and celebrate Small Charity Week from Monday 13th – Saturday 18th June 2016. Small Charity Week 2016 will launch with I ♥ Small Charities Day on 13th June.

There are 3 £150 prizes available to be won in social media competitions through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Inter Care needs your help to win one or more of these as well as spreading the word about the vital work we do.

It is easy to join;

Step 1: Print off this poster and complete the sentence about why you love Inter Care.

Step 2: Take a photo of yourself and the poster.

Step 3: Post the photo between 13th -18th June 2016 on one or all of the social media pages including the #ilovesmallcharities hashtag. If you do not have a social media page you can email your photo to c.wright@intercare.org.uk and we can post it for you.

  • If you wish to enter via Twitter, make sure you include our Twitter handle @ICMedAid4Africa as well as tagging @SCWeek2016 and #ILoveSmallCharities.
  • If you wish to enter via Facebook, post your photo on https://www.facebook.com/smallcharityweek/. Make sure you include @Inter Care Medical Aid For Africa and #ILoveSmallCharities in your post with the photo.
  • If you wish to enter via Instagram, make sure you include @intercare_1974 in your post as well as tagging @SCWeek2016 and #ILoveSmallCharities.

The charity with the most posts will win the prize!

Remember, entries made after 18th June won’t count!