

Stirling Anglian Pharmaceuticals donates £1,375 worth of medical aid

On behalf of all at Inter Care and our beneficiaries in Africa, we would like to say a huge thank you to Stirling Anglian Pharmaceuticals for their wonderful recent donation of Cosmocol.

In total Inter Care received 600 boxes of 20 sachets of Orange, Lemon and lime flavoured Cosmocol, an oral laxative. This medication, which would otherwise have been disposed of, will be of great use to the health units we support and is very much appreciated.

Sterling Anglian Pharmaceuticals, Cosmocol - June 2016   Sterling Anglian Pharmaceuticals, St Patricks - June 2016

The first consignments to leave our warehouse which will include the Cosmocol will be sent to Bai Bureh Memorial Hospital, in Sierra Leone, which we have been supporting since 2010. (A photo of the staff at Bai Bureh, during the Ebola crisis below, left) also to St Patricks Health Centre, in, Malawi, which has been receiving support from Inter Care since 2006 (Pictured below, right).

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