On 19th February 2018, David Ritchie, former editor of Veterinary Practice magazine, generously donated 400 rucksacks to our warehouse, following the VetsNorth and VetsSouth conferences 2018. Gwen Covey-Crump, Clinical Anaesthetist & Pain Specialist at Langford Vets, found Inter Care’s contact details via a community champion after seeing hundreds of brand new rucksacks that could have gone to waste.
“I have long been concerned about the waste we generate attending conferences. Frequently the delegate packs include a bag, usually made of a plastic-based material that will not biodegrade. Many veterinarians and veterinary nurses put these to good use until they are worn out but, more often than not they just get added to the pile of conference bags gathering dust in a corner somewhere.” – Gwen Covey-Crump
As Inter Care is always working closely with our partner health units, we contacted them straight away to see how these rucksacks would be of use. We have found that these rucksacks would be most beneficial to our partners with outreach clinics. Having contacted these clinics to find the best items to send within these rucksacks and with the support of our medically trained volunteers we have created our outreach clinic rucksack.
Within each donated rucksack we aim to send;
Gloves (Donated by Pal International Ltd & SLA Labs UK)
Dressing packs & Scalpels (Donated by Vygon UK Ltd)
Cotton Wool (Donated by Origin Ltd)
Syringes & Needles (Donated by B. Braun Medical Ltd)
Sharps Bin 0.6 Litre
A donation of £30, could send one bag to an Inter Care partner health unit. DONATE
Currently, we are partnered with 112 health units who serve a catchment population area of over 10 Million people. With your support, we aim to send up to 4 outreach rucksacks to each clinic who hold an outreach clinic.
“Inter Care over the years has received many generous donations of healthcare goods from companies, GP surgeries and members of the public. These donations have helped keep our overheads low and reduce UK waste. Also, this means every donation of medical aid we send to our partners are 100% recycled.” – Charlotte Wright, Fundraising Officer
”Thanks for the information about the outreach rucksack …yes we will be glad to have them, to enable us to easily pack the consumables and other items for our clinic outreach programme and also our ambulance services.” – Norah Anne, Holy Spirit Hospital, Sierra Leone
A monthly gift of £6.00 over 12 months will send two outreach rucksacks to Africa, with vital medicines.
You will send 1 outreach rucksack with 1,000 tablets of Pain relief and 1 outreach rucksack with 500 antibiotics.
A one off donation of £30.00 will send one outreach rucksack to Africa.
A one off donation of £5.00 will purchase 1,000 pain relief tablets or 500 antibiotic tablets.
To make a donation please visit: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/7025#/DonationDetails