Inter Care was established in 1974 by two Leicester based GPs, Drs. David Rosenberg and Patricia O’Keefe.

During his many visits to Africa in the early 1970s…
Dr. Rosenberg saw for himself the vital contribution that faith-based health providers were making. Thousands of mission hospitals and clinics were being run by African Catholic Sisters. They provide desperately needed healthcare to some of the poorest patients in rural Africa. All in countries and areas where there were huge levels of poverty coupled with a severe lack of resources.
Across Africa…
Millions of people suffered back then from diseases that are relatively simple to prevent or treat and this is still the case today. Globally, 50% of children under five die who die of diseases such as; pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are in Africa. This is according to the United Nations 2017 (report). Yet these conditions can be prevented or treated with timely access to appropriate and affordable medicines, vaccines and other health services.

Lack of access to healthcare…
Particularly for those in rural areas is a huge problem for millions of people in Africa. This is because people often have to travel long distances to receive treatment AND healthcare is only available to those who can pay for it. Less than 2% of drugs consumed in Africa are produced on the continent, meaning that many sick patients do not have access to locally produced drugs and may not afford to buy the imported ones – United Nations 2017 (report).
The health units run by the Catholic Sisters, which inspired Inter Care’s founders back in 1974, were, and still are today, providing free basic healthcare to the most disadvantaged patients.

To help support those health units…
Dr Rosenberg and Dr O’Keefe decided to channel supplies of medical aid from the UK, including samples of medicines from medical reps, donated medical equipment and educational materials. This was all through the African Sisters as a way of maximising the aid reaching those most in need. In addition, this minimises the possibility of corrupt use of the supplies.
The close relationship with these African Congregations is integral to the way Inter Care works.
However, Inter Care is no longer limited to supporting Catholic units. Inter Care supplies are also sent to health units run by other faiths. The name they give to their faith is not what matters. Instead, what’s important is that the units are run by local staff and are faith-based.