

Health units across Malawi are suffering from a huge lack of medical resources and small numbers of healthcare staff
Health units across Malawi are suffering from a huge lack of medical resources and small numbers of healthcare staff

Nzama Health Centre require 10 nurses, however, there is not enough staff accommodation. This means that the healthcare staff assess more patients than they are able to, and with very … Continue reading Health units across Malawi are suffering from a huge lack of medical resources and small numbers of healthcare staff


Hope and Ernest receive help at Nsipe Health Centre in Malawi
Hope and Ernest receive help at Nsipe Health Centre in Malawi

Read about why Olivia was so worried…


Olivia and Melina visit Namulenga Health Centre in Malawi
Olivia and Melina visit Namulenga Health Centre in Malawi

Find out how Sr Martha helped young Melina with Inter Care’s support.